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The impact of ecological mechanisms on stability in an eco-epidemiological model: Allee effect and prey refuge
Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2025, т. 17, № 1, с. 139-169Eco-epidemiological models provide insights into factors influencing disease transmission and host population stability. This study developed two eco-epidemiological models to investigate the impacts of prey refuge availability and an Allee effect on dynamics. Model A incorporated these mechanisms, while model B did not. Both models featured predator – prey and disease transmission and were analyzed mathematically and via simulation. Model equilibrium states were examined locally and globally under differing parameter combinations representative of environmental scenarios. Model A and B demonstrated globally stable conditions within certain parameter ranges, signalling refuge and Allee effect terms promote robustness. Moreover, model A showed a higher potential toward extinction of the species as a result of incorporating the Allee effect. Bifurcation analyses revealed qualitative shifts in behavior triggered by modifications like altered predation mortality. Model A manifested a transcritical bifurcation indicating critical population thresholds. Additional bifurcation types were noticed when refuge and Allee stabilizing impacts were absent in model B. Findings showed disease crowding effect and that host persistence is positively associated with refuge habitat, reducing predator – prey encounters. The Allee effect also calibrated stability via heightened sensitivity to small groups. Simulations aligned with mathematical predictions. Model A underwent bifurcations at critical predator death rates impacting prey outcomes. This work provides a valuable framework to minimize transmission given resource availability or demographic alterations, generating testable hypotheses.
Ключевые слова: Allee effect, prey refuge, predator – prey, eco-epidemiological model, nonlinear incidence rate, local stability, global stability, Hopf bifurcation, transcritical bifurcation.
The impact of ecological mechanisms on stability in an eco-epidemiological model: Allee effect and prey refuge
Computer Research and Modeling, 2025, v. 17, no. 1, pp. 139-169Eco-epidemiological models provide insights into factors influencing disease transmission and host population stability. This study developed two eco-epidemiological models to investigate the impacts of prey refuge availability and an Allee effect on dynamics. Model A incorporated these mechanisms, while model B did not. Both models featured predator – prey and disease transmission and were analyzed mathematically and via simulation. Model equilibrium states were examined locally and globally under differing parameter combinations representative of environmental scenarios. Model A and B demonstrated globally stable conditions within certain parameter ranges, signalling refuge and Allee effect terms promote robustness. Moreover, model A showed a higher potential toward extinction of the species as a result of incorporating the Allee effect. Bifurcation analyses revealed qualitative shifts in behavior triggered by modifications like altered predation mortality. Model A manifested a transcritical bifurcation indicating critical population thresholds. Additional bifurcation types were noticed when refuge and Allee stabilizing impacts were absent in model B. Findings showed disease crowding effect and that host persistence is positively associated with refuge habitat, reducing predator – prey encounters. The Allee effect also calibrated stability via heightened sensitivity to small groups. Simulations aligned with mathematical predictions. Model A underwent bifurcations at critical predator death rates impacting prey outcomes. This work provides a valuable framework to minimize transmission given resource availability or demographic alterations, generating testable hypotheses.
Assessing the impact of deposit benchmark interest rate on banking loan dynamics
Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2024, т. 16, № 4, с. 1023-1032Deposit benchmark interest rates are a policy implemented by banking regulators to calculate the interest rates offered to depositors, maintaining equitable and competitive rates within the financial industry. It functions as a benchmark for determining the pricing of different banking products, expenses, and financial choices. The benchmark rate will have a direct impact on the amount of money deposited, which in turn will determine the amount of money available for lending.We are motivated to analyze the influence of deposit benchmark interest rates on the dynamics of banking loans. This study examines the issue using a difference equation of banking loans. In this process, the decision on the loan amount in the next period is influenced by both the present loan volume and the information on its marginal profit. An analysis is made of the loan equilibrium point and its stability. We also analyze the bifurcations that arise in the model. To ensure a stable banking loan, it is necessary to set the benchmark rate higher than the flip value and lower than the transcritical bifurcation values. The confirmation of this result is supported by the bifurcation diagram and its associated Lyapunov exponent. Insufficient deposit benchmark interest rates might lead to chaotic dynamics in banking lending. Additionally, a bifurcation diagram with two parameters is also shown. We do numerical sensitivity analysis by examining contour plots of the stability requirements, which vary with the deposit benchmark interest rate and other parameters. In addition, we examine a nonstandard difference approach for the previous model, assess its stability, and make a comparison with the standard model. The outcome of our study can provide valuable insights to the banking regulator in making informed decisions regarding deposit benchmark interest rates, taking into account several other banking factors.
Assessing the impact of deposit benchmark interest rate on banking loan dynamics
Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 4, pp. 1023-1032Deposit benchmark interest rates are a policy implemented by banking regulators to calculate the interest rates offered to depositors, maintaining equitable and competitive rates within the financial industry. It functions as a benchmark for determining the pricing of different banking products, expenses, and financial choices. The benchmark rate will have a direct impact on the amount of money deposited, which in turn will determine the amount of money available for lending.We are motivated to analyze the influence of deposit benchmark interest rates on the dynamics of banking loans. This study examines the issue using a difference equation of banking loans. In this process, the decision on the loan amount in the next period is influenced by both the present loan volume and the information on its marginal profit. An analysis is made of the loan equilibrium point and its stability. We also analyze the bifurcations that arise in the model. To ensure a stable banking loan, it is necessary to set the benchmark rate higher than the flip value and lower than the transcritical bifurcation values. The confirmation of this result is supported by the bifurcation diagram and its associated Lyapunov exponent. Insufficient deposit benchmark interest rates might lead to chaotic dynamics in banking lending. Additionally, a bifurcation diagram with two parameters is also shown. We do numerical sensitivity analysis by examining contour plots of the stability requirements, which vary with the deposit benchmark interest rate and other parameters. In addition, we examine a nonstandard difference approach for the previous model, assess its stability, and make a comparison with the standard model. The outcome of our study can provide valuable insights to the banking regulator in making informed decisions regarding deposit benchmark interest rates, taking into account several other banking factors.
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