Текущий выпуск Номер 1, 2025 Том 17

Все выпуски

Результаты поиска по 'software development life cycle':
Найдено статей: 2
  1. Salem N., Hudaib A., Al-Tarawneh K., Salem H., Tareef A., Salloum H., Mazzara M.
    A survey on the application of large language models in software engineering
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2024, т. 16, № 7, с. 1715-1726

    Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming software engineering by bridging the gap between natural language and programming languages. These models have revolutionized communication within development teams and the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) by enabling developers to interact with code using natural language, thereby improving workflow efficiency. This survey examines the impact of LLMs across various stages of the SDLC, including requirement gathering, system design, coding, debugging, testing, and documentation. LLMs have proven to be particularly useful in automating repetitive tasks such as code generation, refactoring, and bug detection, thus reducing manual effort and accelerating the development process. The integration of LLMs into the development process offers several advantages, including the automation of error correction, enhanced collaboration, and the ability to generate high-quality, functional code based on natural language input. Additionally, LLMs assist developers in understanding and implementing complex software requirements and design patterns. This paper also discusses the evolution of LLMs from simple code completion tools to sophisticated models capable of performing high-level software engineering tasks. However, despite their benefits, there are challenges associated with LLM adoption, such as issues related to model accuracy, interpretability, and potential biases. These limitations must be addressed to ensure the reliable deployment of LLMs in production environments. The paper concludes by identifying key areas for future research, including improving the adaptability of LLMs to specific software domains, enhancing their contextual understanding, and refining their capabilities to generate semantically accurate and efficient code. This survey provides valuable insights into the evolving role of LLMs in software engineering, offering a foundation for further exploration and practical implementation.

    Salem N., Hudaib A., Al-Tarawneh K., Salem H., Tareef A., Salloum H., Mazzara M.
    A survey on the application of large language models in software engineering
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2024, v. 16, no. 7, pp. 1715-1726

    Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming software engineering by bridging the gap between natural language and programming languages. These models have revolutionized communication within development teams and the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) by enabling developers to interact with code using natural language, thereby improving workflow efficiency. This survey examines the impact of LLMs across various stages of the SDLC, including requirement gathering, system design, coding, debugging, testing, and documentation. LLMs have proven to be particularly useful in automating repetitive tasks such as code generation, refactoring, and bug detection, thus reducing manual effort and accelerating the development process. The integration of LLMs into the development process offers several advantages, including the automation of error correction, enhanced collaboration, and the ability to generate high-quality, functional code based on natural language input. Additionally, LLMs assist developers in understanding and implementing complex software requirements and design patterns. This paper also discusses the evolution of LLMs from simple code completion tools to sophisticated models capable of performing high-level software engineering tasks. However, despite their benefits, there are challenges associated with LLM adoption, such as issues related to model accuracy, interpretability, and potential biases. These limitations must be addressed to ensure the reliable deployment of LLMs in production environments. The paper concludes by identifying key areas for future research, including improving the adaptability of LLMs to specific software domains, enhancing their contextual understanding, and refining their capabilities to generate semantically accurate and efficient code. This survey provides valuable insights into the evolving role of LLMs in software engineering, offering a foundation for further exploration and practical implementation.

  2. Никитюк А.С.
    Идентификация параметров вязкоупругих моделей клетки на основе силовых кривых и вейвлет-преобразования
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2023, т. 15, № 6, с. 1653-1672

    Механические свойства клеток эукариот играют важную роль в условиях жизненного цикла и при развитии патологических процессов. В работе обсуждается проблема идентификации и верификации параметров вязкоупругих конститутивных моделей на основе данных силовой спектроскопии клеток эукариот. Предлагается использовать одномерное непрерывное вейвлет-преобразование для расчета ядра релаксации. Приводятся аналитические выкладки и результаты численных расчетов, позволяющие на основе экспериментально установленных силовых кривых и теоретических зависимостей «напряжение – деформация» с применением алгоритмов вейвлет-дифференцирования получать аналогичные друг другу функции релаксации. Анализируются тестовые примеры, демонстрирующие корректности программной реализации предложенных алгоритмов. Рассматриваются модели клетки, на примере которых демонстрируется применение предложенной процедуры идентификации и верификации их параметров. Среди них структурно-механическая модель с параллельно соединенными дробными элементами, которая является на данный момент наиболее адекватной с точки зрения соответствия данным атомно-силовой микроскопии широкого класса клеток, и новая статистико-термодинамическая модель, которая не уступает в описательных возможностях моделям с дробными производными, но имеет более ясный физический смысл. Для статистико-термодинамической модели подробно описывается процедура ее построения, которая в себя включает следующее: введение структурной переменной, параметра порядка, для описания ориентационных свойств цитоскелета клетки; постановку и решение статистической задачи для ансамбля актиновых филаментов представительного объема клетки относительно данной переменной; установление вида свободной энергии, зависящей от параметра порядка, температуры и внешней нагрузки. Также предложено в качестве модели представительного элемента клетки использовать ориентационно-вязкоупругое тело. Согласно теории линейной термодинамики получены эволюционные уравнения, описывающие механическое поведение представительного объема клетки, которые удовлетворяют основным термодинамическим законам. Также поставлена и решена задача оптимизации параметров статистико-термодинамической модели клетки, которая может сопоставляется как с экспериментальными данными, так и с результатами симуляций на основе других математических моделей. Определены вязкоупругие характеристики клеток на основе сопоставления с литературными данными.

    Nikitiuk A.S.
    Parameter identification of viscoelastic cell models based on force curves and wavelet transform
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 6, pp. 1653-1672

    Mechanical properties of eukaryotic cells play an important role in life cycle conditions and in the development of pathological processes. In this paper we discuss the problem of parameters identification and verification of viscoelastic constitutive models based on force spectroscopy data of living cells. It is proposed to use one-dimensional continuous wavelet transform to calculate the relaxation function. Analytical calculations and the results of numerical simulation are given, which allow to obtain relaxation functions similar to each other on the basis of experimentally determined force curves and theoretical stress-strain relationships using wavelet differentiation algorithms. Test examples demonstrating correctness of software implementation of the proposed algorithms are analyzed. The cell models are considered, on the example of which the application of the proposed procedure of identification and verification of their parameters is demonstrated. Among them are a structural-mechanical model with parallel connected fractional elements, which is currently the most adequate in terms of compliance with atomic force microscopy data of a wide class of cells, and a new statistical-thermodynamic model, which is not inferior in descriptive capabilities to models with fractional derivatives, but has a clearer physical meaning. For the statistical-thermodynamic model, the procedure of its construction is described in detail, which includes the following. Introduction of a structural variable, the order parameter, to describe the orientation properties of the cell cytoskeleton. Setting and solving the statistical problem for the ensemble of actin filaments of a representative cell volume with respect to this variable. Establishment of the type of free energy depending on the order parameter, temperature and external load. It is also proposed to use an oriented-viscous-elastic body as a model of a representative element of the cell. Following the theory of linear thermodynamics, evolutionary equations describing the mechanical behavior of the representative volume of the cell are obtained, which satisfy the basic thermodynamic laws. The problem of optimizing the parameters of the statisticalthermodynamic model of the cell, which can be compared both with experimental data and with the results of simulations based on other mathematical models, is also posed and solved. The viscoelastic characteristics of cells are determined on the basis of comparison with literature data.

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