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Регуляризация, робастность и разреженность вероятностных тематических моделей
Список литературы:
- Введение в информационныйпоиск. — Вильямс, 2011. , , .
- On smoothing and inference for topic models / Int’l conf. on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. — 2009. , , , .
- Latent Dirichlet allocation // Journal of Machine Learning Research. — 2003. — V. 3. — P. 993–1022. , , .
- Modeling general and specific aspects of documents with a probabilistic topic model // Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. — MIT Press, 2006. — V. 19. — P. 241–248. , , .
- Knowledge discovery through directed probabilistic topic models: a survey // Frontiers of Computer Science in China. — 2010. — V. 4, no. 2. — P. 280– 301. — DOI: 10.1007/s11704-009-0062-y. , , , .
- Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm // Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. — 1977. — no. 34. — P. 1–38. — MathSciNet: MR0501537. , , .
- Sparse additive generative models of text / International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML’11. — 2011. — P. 1041–1048. , , .
- On an Equivalence between PLSI and LDA / Proceedings of the 26th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. — ACM, 2003. — P. 433–434. , .
- Probabilistic latent semantic indexing / Proceedings of the 22nd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. — New York, NY, USA: ACM, 1999. — P. 50–57. .
- Finding scientific topics // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. — 2004. — V. 101, no. 1. — P. 5228–5235. — ads: 2004PNAS..101.5228G. , .
- Structured Topic Models for Language. — 2008. — Ph.D. thesis. .
- Rethinking LDA: Why priors matter / Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22. — 2009. — P. 1973–1981. , , .
- Distributed Gibbs sampling of latent Dirichlet allocation: The gritty details. — 2008. — http://www.dbgroup.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/wangyi/lda/lda.pdf. .
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