Текущий выпуск Номер 1, 2024 Том 16

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Результаты поиска по 'YOLO':
Найдено статей: 2
  1. Ahmed M., Hegazy M., Климчик А.С., Боби Р.А.
    Lidar and camera data fusion in self-driving cars
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2022, т. 14, № 6, с. 1239-1253

    Sensor fusion is one of the important solutions for the perception problem in self-driving cars, where the main aim is to enhance the perception of the system without losing real-time performance. Therefore, it is a trade-off problem and its often observed that most models that have a high environment perception cannot perform in a real-time manner. Our article is concerned with camera and Lidar data fusion for better environment perception in self-driving cars, considering 3 main classes which are cars, cyclists and pedestrians. We fuse output from the 3D detector model that takes its input from Lidar as well as the output from the 2D detector that take its input from the camera, to give better perception output than any of them separately, ensuring that it is able to work in real-time. We addressed our problem using a 3D detector model (Complex-Yolov3) and a 2D detector model (Yolo-v3), wherein we applied the image-based fusion method that could make a fusion between Lidar and camera information with a fast and efficient late fusion technique that is discussed in detail in this article. We used the mean average precision (mAP) metric in order to evaluate our object detection model and to compare the proposed approach with them as well. At the end, we showed the results on the KITTI dataset as well as our real hardware setup, which consists of Lidar velodyne 16 and Leopard USB cameras. We used Python to develop our algorithm and then validated it on the KITTI dataset. We used ros2 along with C++ to verify the algorithm on our dataset obtained from our hardware configurations which proved that our proposed approach could give good results and work efficiently in practical situations in a real-time manner.

    Ahmed M., Hegazy M., Klimchik A.S., Boby R.A.
    Lidar and camera data fusion in self-driving cars
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 6, pp. 1239-1253

    Sensor fusion is one of the important solutions for the perception problem in self-driving cars, where the main aim is to enhance the perception of the system without losing real-time performance. Therefore, it is a trade-off problem and its often observed that most models that have a high environment perception cannot perform in a real-time manner. Our article is concerned with camera and Lidar data fusion for better environment perception in self-driving cars, considering 3 main classes which are cars, cyclists and pedestrians. We fuse output from the 3D detector model that takes its input from Lidar as well as the output from the 2D detector that take its input from the camera, to give better perception output than any of them separately, ensuring that it is able to work in real-time. We addressed our problem using a 3D detector model (Complex-Yolov3) and a 2D detector model (Yolo-v3), wherein we applied the image-based fusion method that could make a fusion between Lidar and camera information with a fast and efficient late fusion technique that is discussed in detail in this article. We used the mean average precision (mAP) metric in order to evaluate our object detection model and to compare the proposed approach with them as well. At the end, we showed the results on the KITTI dataset as well as our real hardware setup, which consists of Lidar velodyne 16 and Leopard USB cameras. We used Python to develop our algorithm and then validated it on the KITTI dataset. We used ros2 along with C++ to verify the algorithm on our dataset obtained from our hardware configurations which proved that our proposed approach could give good results and work efficiently in practical situations in a real-time manner.

  2. Зацерковный А.В., Нурминский Е.А.
    Нейросетевой анализ транспортных потоков городских агломераций на основе данных публичных камер видеообзора
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2021, т. 13, № 2, с. 305-318

    Адекватное моделирование сложной динамики городских транспортных потоков требует сбора больших объемов данных для определения характера соответствующих моделей и их калибровки. Вместе с тем оборудование специализированных постов наблюдения является весьма затратным мероприятием и не всегда технически возможно. Совокупность этих факторов приводит к недостаточному фактографическому обеспечению как систем оперативного управления транспортными потоками, так и специалистов по транспортному планированию с очевидными последствиями для качества принимаемых решений. В качестве способа обеспечить массовый сбор данных хотя бы для качественного анализа ситуаций достаточно давно применяется обзорные видеокамеры, транслирующие изображения в определенные ситуационные центры, где соответствующие операторы осуществляют контроль и управление процессами. Достаточно много таких обзорных камер предоставляют данные своих наблюдений в общий доступ, что делает их ценным ресурсом для транспортных исследований. Вместе с тем получение количественных данных с таких камер сталкивается с существенными проблемами, относящимися к теории и практике обработки видеоизображений, чему и посвящена данная работа. В работе исследуется практическое применение некоторых мейнстримовских нейросетевых технологий для определения основных характеристик реальных транспортных потоков, наблюдаемых камерами общего доступа, классифицируются возникающие при этом проблемы и предлагаются их решения. Для отслеживания объектов дорожного движения применяются варианты сверточных нейронных сетей, исследуются способы их применения для определения базовых характеристик транспортных потоков. Простые варианты нейронной сети используются для автоматизации при получении обучающих примеров для более глубокой нейронной сети YOLOv4. Сеть YOLOv4 использована для оценки характеристик движения (скорость, плотность потока) для различных направлений с записей камер видеонаблюдения.

    Zatserkovnyy A.V., Nurminski E.A.
    Neural network analysis of transportation flows of urban aglomeration using the data from public video cameras
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 2, pp. 305-318

    Correct modeling of complex dynamics of urban transportation flows requires the collection of large volumes of empirical data to specify types of the modes and their identification. At the same time, setting a large number of observation posts is expensive and technically not always feasible. All this results in insufficient factographic support for the traffic control systems as well as for urban planners with the obvious consequences for the quality of their decisions. As one of the means to provide large-scale data collection at least for the qualitative situation analysis, the wide-area video cameras are used in different situation centers. There they are analyzed by human operators who are responsible for observation and control. Some video cameras provided their videos for common access, which makes them a valuable resource for transportation studies. However, there are significant problems with getting qualitative data from such cameras, which relate to the theory and practice of image processing. This study is devoted to the practical application of certain mainstream neuro-networking technologies for the estimation of essential characteristics of actual transportation flows. The problems arising in processing these data are analyzed, and their solutions are suggested. The convolution neural networks are used for tracking, and the methods for obtaining basic parameters of transportation flows from these observations are studied. The simplified neural networks are used for the preparation of training sets for the deep learning neural network YOLOv4 which is later used for the estimation of speed and density of automobile flows.

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Международная Междисциплинарная Конференция "Математика. Компьютер. Образование"

Международная Междисциплинарная Конференция МАТЕМАТИКА. КОМПЬЮТЕР. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ.