Текущий выпуск Номер 5, 2024 Том 16

Все выпуски

Результаты поиска по 'optimal strategies':
Найдено статей: 22
  1. Zevika M.Z., Triska A.T., Puspita J.W.
    The dynamics of monkeypox transmission with an optimal vaccination strategy through a mathematical modelling approach
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2023, т. 15, № 6, с. 1635-1651

    Monkeypox is a disease reemerging in 2022 which is caused by the monkeypox virus (MPV). This disease can be transmitted not only from rodents to humans, but also from humans to other humans, and even from the environment to humans. In this work, we propose a mathematical model to capture the dynamics of monkeypox transmission which involve three modes of transmission, namely, from rodents to rodents, rodents to humans, and from humans to other humans. In addition to the basic reproduction number, we investigate the stability of all equilibrium points analytically, including an implicit endemic equilibrium by applying the center manifold theorem. Moreover, the vaccination as an alternative solution to eradicate the monkeypox transmission is discussed and solved as an optimal control problem. The results of this study show that the transmission of monkeypox is directly affected by the internal infection rates of each population, i. e., the infection rate of the susceptible human by an infected human and the infection rate of the susceptible rodent by an infected rodent. Furthermore, the external infection rates, i. e., the infection rate of the susceptible human by an infected rodent also affects the transmission of monkeypox although it does not affect the basic reproduction number directly.

    Zevika M.Z., Triska A.T., Puspita J.W.
    The dynamics of monkeypox transmission with an optimal vaccination strategy through a mathematical modelling approach
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2023, v. 15, no. 6, pp. 1635-1651

    Monkeypox is a disease reemerging in 2022 which is caused by the monkeypox virus (MPV). This disease can be transmitted not only from rodents to humans, but also from humans to other humans, and even from the environment to humans. In this work, we propose a mathematical model to capture the dynamics of monkeypox transmission which involve three modes of transmission, namely, from rodents to rodents, rodents to humans, and from humans to other humans. In addition to the basic reproduction number, we investigate the stability of all equilibrium points analytically, including an implicit endemic equilibrium by applying the center manifold theorem. Moreover, the vaccination as an alternative solution to eradicate the monkeypox transmission is discussed and solved as an optimal control problem. The results of this study show that the transmission of monkeypox is directly affected by the internal infection rates of each population, i. e., the infection rate of the susceptible human by an infected human and the infection rate of the susceptible rodent by an infected rodent. Furthermore, the external infection rates, i. e., the infection rate of the susceptible human by an infected rodent also affects the transmission of monkeypox although it does not affect the basic reproduction number directly.

  2. Варшавский Л.Е.
    Приближенные методы исследования динамики показателей рыночной структуры
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2012, т. 4, № 1, с. 219-229

    В статье предлагается подход к расчету разомкнутых оптимальных по Нэшу–Курно стратегий компаний, выходящих на рынок с новой прогрессивной техникой, который основан на использовании Z-преобразования. Предлагаемый подход позволяет получить экономически допустимые оптимальные игровые стратегии даже в тех случаях, когда решения обобщенных уравнений Риккати приводят к неустойчивости показателей олигополистических рынков.

    Varshavsky L.E.
    Approximate methods of studying dynamics of market structure
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2012, v. 4, no. 1, pp. 219-229

    An approach to computation of open-loop optimal Nash–Cournot strategies in dynamical games which is based on the Z-transform method and factorization is proposed. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that it permits to overcome the problems of instability of economic indicators of oligopolies arising when generalized Riccati equations are used.

    Просмотров за год: 3. Цитирований: 9 (РИНЦ).
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