Все выпуски

Список литературы:

  1. Э. Шрёдингер. Что такое жизнь? Физические аспекты живой клетки. — М.–Ижевск: РХД, 2002.
    • E. Shredinger. Chto takoe zhizn'? Fizicheskie aspekty zhivoj kletki. — M.–Izhevsk: RHD, 2002. — in Russian.
    • E. Schroedinger. What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell. — Cambridge University Press, 1944. — MathSciNet: MR0149891.
  2. K. Anand, G. Bianconi. Entropy measures for networks: Toward an information theory of complex topologies // Physical Review. 2009. — V. E 80. — 045102 (R).
  3. K. Anand, G. Bianconi, S. Severini. Shannon and von Neumann entropy of random networks with heterogeneous expected degree // Physical Review. 2011. — V. E 83. — 036109. — MathSciNet: MR2788252.
  4. K. Anand, D. Krioukov, G. Bianconi. Entropy distribution and condensation in random networks with a given degree distribution // Physical Review. 2014. — V. E 89. — 062807.
  5. G. Bianconi. The entropy of randomized network ensembles // EPL. 2008. — V. 81. — 28005. — DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/81/28005. — MathSciNet: MR2443955.
  6. J. Buhl, J. Gautrais, N. Reeves, R. V. Solé, S. Valverde, P. Kuntz, G. Theraulaz. Topological patterns in street networks of self-organized urban settlements // European Physical Journal. 2006. — V. B 49.
  7. A. Cardillo, S. Scellato, V. Latora, S. Porta. Structural properties of planar graphs of urban street patterns // Physical Review. 2006. — V. E 73. — 066107.
  8. R. Dunbar. How many friends does one person need?. — Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010.
  9. R. Galliotti, M. Porta, M. Barthelemy. Information measures and cognitive limits in multilayer navigation. ArXiv 1506.01978v.1.
  10. C. Hidalgo. Why Information Grows: The Evolution of Order from Atoms to Economics / Basic Books. 2015.
  11. P. Masucci, StanilovK. , M. Batty. Exploring the evolution of London’s street network in the information space: A dual approach // Physical Review. 2014. — V. E 89. — 012805.
  12. M. Rosvall, A. Grönlund, P. Minnhagenand, K. Sneppen. Searchability of networks // Physical review. 2005. — V. Е 72. — 046117. — DOI: 10.1103..
  13. K. Sneppen, A. Trusina, M. Rosvall. Communication boundaries in Networks // Physical review letters. 2005c. — V. PRL 94. — 238701.
  14. K. Sneppen, A. Trusina, M. Rosvall. Hide-and-seek on complex networks // Europhysics Letters. 2005a. — DOI: 10.1209..
  15. K. Sneppen, A. Trusina, P. Minnhangen, M. Rosvall. Networks and Cities: An Information Perspective // Physical review letters. 2005. — 028701.
  16. K. Zhao, A. Halu, S. Severuni, G. Bianconi. Entropy rate of nonequilobrium growing networks // Physical Review. 2011. — V. E 84. — 066113.

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