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Список литературы:

  1. M. F. Aymerich, G. Fenu, S. Surcis. An Approach to Cloud Computing Network. — IEEE, 2008.
  2. M. Armbrust, et al. Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing. — Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2009-28. — http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2009/EECS-2009-28.html. — Feb, 2009.
  3. J. S. Aronson. “Making IT a Positive Force in Environment Change”. — IEEE, 2008.
  4. Ph. Bianco, R. Kotermanski, P. Merson. “Evaluating a Service-Oriented Architectures”. — Technical Report, SEI, Carnegie Mellon University, September-2007.
  5. E. Estevez, T. Janowski. “Building a Dependable Messaging Infrastructure for Electronic Government”. — UNU.
  6. I. Foster, Zhao Yong, I. Raicu, Lu Shiyong. “Cloud Computing and Grid Computing 360-Degree Compared”. — IEEE.
  7. A. Greenberg, P. Lahiri, D. A. Maltz, P. Patel, S. Sengupta. “Towards A Next Generation Data Center Architecture: Scalability and Commodigitization”. — ACM, 2008.
  8. R. L. Grossman. The case of cloud computing. — IEEE, 2009.
  9. A. Heddaya, A. H. Helal. “Reliability, Availability, Dependability and Performability: A User Centered View”. — Boston University, 1996.
  10. R. Heek. “Implementing and Managing E-Government” / “Cloud Computing: Business Benefits with Security, Governance and Assurance Perspectives”. — Vistaar Publication, ISACA, 2006. — www.isaca.org.
  11. M. Janssen, A. Cressworld. “Enterprise Architecture Integration in E-Government” / 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. — IEEE, 2005.
  12. L. Kencl, C. Schwarzer. “Traffic Adaptive Packet Filtering of Denial of Service Attack”. — IEEE, 2006.
  13. N. Leavitt. “Is Cloud Computing Really Ready for Prime Time?”. — IEEE, 2009.
  14. M. Lin, X. Yongsen. “An Adaptive Dependability Model of Component-Based Software” // Software Engineering Notes. — ACM SIGSOFT, 2003. — V. 28, no. 2. — DOI: 10.1145/638750.638782.
  15. S. Murugesan. “Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practice.”. — IEEE, 2008.
  16. L. Youseff, M. Butrico, D. Da Silva. “Towards a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing” / Grid Computing Environments Workshop 2008, GCE08’.

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