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Overset grids approach for topography modeling in elastic-wave modeling using the grid-characteristic method

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While modeling seismic wave propagation, it is important to take into account nontrivial topography, as this topography causes multiple complex phenomena, such as diffraction at rough surfaces, complex propagation of Rayleigh waves, and side effects caused by wave interference. The primary goal of this research is to construct a method that implements the free surface on topography, utilizing an overset curved grid for characterization, while keeping the main grid structured rectangular. For a combination of the regular and curve-linear grid, the workability of the grid characteristics method using overset grids (also known as the Chimera grid approach) is analyzed. One of the benefits of this approach is computational complexity reduction, caused by the fact that simulation in a regular, homogeneous physical area using a sparse regular rectangle grid is simpler. The simplification of the mesh building mechanism (one grid is regular, and the other can be automatically built using surface data) is a side effect. Despite its simplicity, the method we propose allows us to increase the digitalization of fractured regions and minimize the Courant number. This paper contains various comparisons of modeling results produced by the proposed method-based solver, and results produced by the well-known solver specfem2d, as well as previous modeling results for the same problems. The drawback of the method is that an interpolation error can worsen an overall model accuracy and reduce the computational schema order. Some countermeasures against it are described. For this paper, only two-dimensional models are analyzed. However, the method we propose can be applied to the three-dimensional problems with minimal adaptation required.

Ключевые слова: overset grid, GCM, seismic wave, interpolation
Цитата: Хохлов Н.И., Стецюк В.О., Мисковец И.А. Overset grids approach for topography modeling in elastic-wave modeling using the grid-characteristic method // Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2019, т. 11, № 6, с. 1049-1059
Citation in English: Khokhlov N.I., Stetsyuk V.O., Mitskovets I.A. Overset grids approach for topography modeling in elastic-wave modeling using the grid-characteristic method // Computer Research and Modeling, 2019, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1049-1059
DOI: 10.20537/2076-7633-2019-11-6-1049-1059
Creative Commons License Статья доступна по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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