Текущий выпуск Номер 2, 2024 Том 16

Все выпуски

Результаты поиска по 'medical imaging':
Найдено статей: 4
  1. Косых Н.Э., Свиридов Н.М., Савин С.З., Потапова Т.П.
    Компьютерный автоматизированный анализ в задачах распознавания медицинских изображений на примере сцинтиграфии
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2016, т. 8, № 3, с. 541-548

    С помощью программы, созданной на принципах компьютерного автоматизированного анализа, на планарных сцинтиграммах скелета больных диссеминированным раком молочной железы выделены очаги гиперфиксации радиофармпрепарата. Рассчитаны гистограммные параметры: средняя яркость, гладкость яркости, третий момент яркости, однородность яркости, энтропия яркости. Установлено, что в большинстве зон скелета значения гистограммных параметров в патологических очагах гиперфиксации преобладают над аналогичными значениями в физиологических. Наиболее часто в патологических очагах гиперфиксации, как на передних, так и на задних сцинтиграммах, фиксируется преобладание показателей яркости и гладкости яркости изображения по сравнению с аналогичными показателями физиологических очагов гиперфиксации радиофармпрепарата. Отдельные показатели гистограммного анализа используются в уточняющей диагностике метастазов при математическом моделировании и интерпретации данных остеосцинтиграфии.

    Kosykh N.E., Sviridov N.M., Savin S.Z., Potapova T.P.
    Computer aided analysis of medical image recognition for example of scintigraphy
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2016, v. 8, no. 3, pp. 541-548

    The practical application of nuclear medicine demonstrates the continued information deficiency of the algorithms and programs that provide visualization and analysis of medical images. The aim of the study was to determine the principles of optimizing the processing of planar osteostsintigraphy on the basis of сomputer aided diagnosis (CAD) for analysis of texture descriptions of images of metastatic zones on planar scintigrams of skeleton. A computer-aided diagnosis system for analysis of skeletal metastases based on planar scintigraphy data has been developed. This system includes skeleton image segmentation, calculation of textural, histogram and morphometrical parameters and the creation of a training set. For study of metastatic images’ textural characteristics on planar scintigrams of skeleton was developed the computer program of automatic analysis of skeletal metastases is used from data of planar scintigraphy. Also expert evaluation was used to distinguishing ‘pathological’ (metastatic) from ‘physiological’ (non-metastatic) radiopharmaceutical hyperfixation zones in which Haralick’s textural features were determined: autocorrelation, contrast, ‘forth moment’ and heterogeneity. This program was established on the principles of сomputer aided diagnosis researches planar scintigrams of skeletal patients with metastatic breast cancer hearths hyperfixation of radiopharmaceuticals were identified. Calculated parameters were made such as brightness, smoothness, the third moment of brightness, brightness uniformity, entropy brightness. It has been established that in most areas of the skeleton of histogram values of parameters in pathologic hyperfixation of radiopharmaceuticals predominate over the same values in the physiological. Most often pathological hyperfixation of radiopharmaceuticals as the front and rear fixed scintigramms prevalence of brightness and smoothness of the image brightness in comparison with those of the physiological hyperfixation of radiopharmaceuticals. Separate figures histogram analysis can be used in specifying the diagnosis of metastases in the mathematical modeling and interpretation bone scintigraphy. Separate figures histogram analysis can be used in specifying the diagnosis of metastases in the mathematical modeling and interpretation bone scintigraphy.

    Просмотров за год: 3. Цитирований: 3 (РИНЦ).
  2. Elaraby A.E.
    A framework for medical image segmentation based on measuring diversity of pixel’s intensity utilizing interval approach
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2021, т. 13, № 5, с. 1059-1066

    Segmentation of medical image is one of the most challenging tasks in analysis of medical image. It classifies the organs pixels or lesions from medical images background like MRI or CT scans, that is to provide critical information about the human organ’s volumes and shapes. In scientific imaging field, medical imaging is considered one of the most important topics due to the rapid and continuing progress in computerized medical image visualization, advances in analysis approaches and computer-aided diagnosis. Digital image processing becomes more important in healthcare field due to the growing use of direct digital imaging systems for medical diagnostics. Due to medical imaging techniques, approaches of image processing are now applicable in medicine. Generally, various transformations will be needed to extract image data. Also, a digital image can be considered an approximation of a real situation includes some uncertainty derived from the constraints on the process of vision. Since information on the level of uncertainty will influence an expert’s attitude. To address this challenge, we propose novel framework involving interval concept that consider a good tool for dealing with the uncertainty, In the proposed approach, the medical images are transformed into interval valued representation approach and entropies are defined for an image object and background. Then we determine a threshold for lower-bound image and for upper-bound image, and then calculate the mean value for the final output results. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we evaluate it by using synthetic image and its ground truth. Experimental results showed how performance of the segmentation-based entropy threshold can be enhanced using proposed approach to overcome ambiguity.

    Segmentation of medical image is one of the most challenging tasks in analysis of medical image. It classifies the organs pixels or lesions from medical images background like MRI or CT scans, that is to provide critical information about the human organ’s volumes and shapes. In scientific imaging field, medical imaging is considered one of the most important topics due to the rapid and continuing progress in computerized medical image visualization, advances in analysis approaches and computer-aided diagnosis. Digital image processing becomes more important in healthcare field due to the growing use of direct digital imaging systems for medical diagnostics. Due to medical imaging techniques, approaches of image processing are now applicable in medicine. Generally, various transformations will be needed to extract image data. Also, a digital image can be considered an approximation of a real situation includes some uncertainty derived from the constraints on the process of vision. Since information on the level of uncertainty will influence an expert’s attitude. To address this challenge, we propose novel framework involving interval concept that consider a good tool for dealing with the uncertainty, In the proposed approach, the medical images are transformed into interval valued representation approach and entropies are defined for an image object and background. Then we determine a threshold for lower-bound image and for upper-bound image, and then calculate the mean value for the final output results. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we evaluate it by using synthetic image and its ground truth. Experimental results showed how performance of the segmentation-based entropy threshold can be enhanced using proposed approach to overcome ambiguity.

  3. Elaraby A.E., Nechaevskiy A.V.
    An effective segmentation approach for liver computed tomography scans using fuzzy exponential entropy
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2021, т. 13, № 1, с. 195-202

    Accurate segmentation of liver plays important in contouring during diagnosis and the planning of treatment. Imaging technology analysis and processing are wide usage in medical diagnostics, and therapeutic applications. Liver segmentation referring to the process of automatic or semi-automatic detection of liver image boundaries. A major difficulty in segmentation of liver image is the high variability as; the human anatomy itself shows major variation modes. In this paper, a proposed approach for computed tomography (CT) liver segmentation is presented by combining exponential entropy and fuzzy c-partition. Entropy concept has been utilized in various applications in imaging computing domain. Threshold techniques based on entropy have attracted a considerable attention over the last years in image analysis and processing literatures and it is among the most powerful techniques in image segmentation. In the proposed approach, the computed tomography (CT) of liver is transformed into fuzzy domain and fuzzy entropies are defined for liver image object and background. In threshold selection procedure, the proposed approach considers not only the information of liver image background and object, but also interactions between them as the selection of threshold is done by find a proper parameter combination of membership function such that the total fuzzy exponential entropy is maximized. Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is utilizing to optimize the exponential entropy measure to obtain image thresholds. Experimental results in different CT livers scan are done and the results demonstrate the efficient of the proposed approach. Based on the visual clarity of segmented images with varied threshold values using the proposed approach, it was observed that liver segmented image visual quality is better with the results higher level of threshold.

    Elaraby A.E., Nechaevskiy A.V.
    An effective segmentation approach for liver computed tomography scans using fuzzy exponential entropy
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2021, v. 13, no. 1, pp. 195-202

    Accurate segmentation of liver plays important in contouring during diagnosis and the planning of treatment. Imaging technology analysis and processing are wide usage in medical diagnostics, and therapeutic applications. Liver segmentation referring to the process of automatic or semi-automatic detection of liver image boundaries. A major difficulty in segmentation of liver image is the high variability as; the human anatomy itself shows major variation modes. In this paper, a proposed approach for computed tomography (CT) liver segmentation is presented by combining exponential entropy and fuzzy c-partition. Entropy concept has been utilized in various applications in imaging computing domain. Threshold techniques based on entropy have attracted a considerable attention over the last years in image analysis and processing literatures and it is among the most powerful techniques in image segmentation. In the proposed approach, the computed tomography (CT) of liver is transformed into fuzzy domain and fuzzy entropies are defined for liver image object and background. In threshold selection procedure, the proposed approach considers not only the information of liver image background and object, but also interactions between them as the selection of threshold is done by find a proper parameter combination of membership function such that the total fuzzy exponential entropy is maximized. Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is utilizing to optimize the exponential entropy measure to obtain image thresholds. Experimental results in different CT livers scan are done and the results demonstrate the efficient of the proposed approach. Based on the visual clarity of segmented images with varied threshold values using the proposed approach, it was observed that liver segmented image visual quality is better with the results higher level of threshold.

  4. Василевский Ю.В., Симаков С.С., Гамилов Т.М., Саламатова В.Ю., Добросердова Т.К., Копытов Г.В., Богданов О.Н., Данилов А.А., Дергачев М.А., Добровольский Д.Д., Косухин О.Н., Ларина Е.В., Мелешкина А.В., Мычка Е.Ю., Харин В.Ю., Чеснокова К.В., Шипилов А.А.
    Персонализация математических моделей в кардиологии: трудности и перспективы
    Компьютерные исследования и моделирование, 2022, т. 14, № 4, с. 911-930

    Большинство биомеханических задач, представляющих интерес для клиницистов, могут быть решены только с помощью персонализированных математических моделей. Такие модели позволяют формализовать и взаимоувязать ключевые патофизиологические процессы, на основе клинически доступных данных оценить неизмеряемые параметры, важные для диагностики заболеваний, спрогнозировать результат терапевтического или хирургического вмешательства. Использование моделей в клинической практике накладывает дополнительные ограничения: практикующие врачи требуют валидации модели на клинических случаях, быстроту и автоматизированность всей расчетной технологической цепочки от обработки входных данных до получения результата. Ограничения на время расчета, определяемые временем принятия врачебного решения (порядка нескольких минут), приводят к необходимости использования методов редукции, корректно описывающих исследуемые процессы в рамках численных моделей пониженной размерности или в рамках методов машинного обучения.

    Персонализация моделей требует пациентоориентированной оценки параметров модели и создания персонализированной геометрии расчетной области и построения расчетной сетки. Параметры модели оцениваются прямыми измерениями, либо методами решения обратных задач, либо методами машинного обучения. Требование персонализации моделей накладывает серьезные ограничения на количество настраиваемых параметров модели, которые могут быть измерены в стандартных клинических условиях. Помимо параметров, модели включают краевые условия, которые также должны учитывать особенности пациента. Методы задания персонализированных краевых условий существенно зависят от решаемой клинической задачи, зоны ее интереса и доступных клинических данных. Построение персонализированной области посредством сегментации медицинских изображений и построение расчетной сетки, как правило, занимают значительную долю времени при разработке персонализированной вычислительной модели, так как часто выполняются в ручном или полуавтоматическом режиме. Разработка автоматизированных методов постановки персонализированных краевых условий и сегментации медицинских изображений с последующим построением расчетной сетки является залогом широкого использования математического моделирования в клинической практике.

    Цель настоящей работы — обзор и анализ наших решений по персонализации математических моделей в рамках трех задач клинической кардиологии: виртуальной оценки гемодинамической значимости стенозов коронарных артерий, оценки изменений системного кровотока после гемодинамической коррекции сложных пороков сердца, расчета характеристик коаптации реконструированного аортального клапана.

    Vassilevski Y.V., Simakov S.S., Gamilov T.M., Salamatova V.Yu., Dobroserdova T.K., Kopytov G.V., Bogdanov O.N., Danilov A.A., Dergachev M.A., Dobrovolskii D.D., Kosukhin O.N., Larina E.V., Meleshkina A.V., Mychka E.Yu., Kharin V.Yu., Chesnokova K.V., Shipilov A.A.
    Personalization of mathematical models in cardiology: obstacles and perspectives
    Computer Research and Modeling, 2022, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 911-930

    Most biomechanical tasks of interest to clinicians can be solved only using personalized mathematical models. Such models allow to formalize and relate key pathophysiological processes, basing on clinically available data evaluate non-measurable parameters that are important for the diagnosis of diseases, predict the result of a therapeutic or surgical intervention. The use of models in clinical practice imposes additional restrictions: clinicians require model validation on clinical cases, the speed and automation of the entire calculated technological chain, from processing input data to obtaining a result. Limitations on the simulation time, determined by the time of making a medical decision (of the order of several minutes), imply the use of reduction methods that correctly describe the processes under study within the framework of reduced models or machine learning tools.

    Personalization of models requires patient-oriented parameters, personalized geometry of a computational domain and generation of a computational mesh. Model parameters are estimated by direct measurements, or methods of solving inverse problems, or methods of machine learning. The requirement of personalization imposes severe restrictions on the number of fitted parameters that can be measured under standard clinical conditions. In addition to parameters, the model operates with boundary conditions that must take into account the patient’s characteristics. Methods for setting personalized boundary conditions significantly depend on the clinical setting of the problem and clinical data. Building a personalized computational domain through segmentation of medical images and generation of the computational grid, as a rule, takes a lot of time and effort due to manual or semi-automatic operations. Development of automated methods for setting personalized boundary conditions and segmentation of medical images with the subsequent construction of a computational grid is the key to the widespread use of mathematical modeling in clinical practice.

    The aim of this work is to review our solutions for personalization of mathematical models within the framework of three tasks of clinical cardiology: virtual assessment of hemodynamic significance of coronary artery stenosis, calculation of global blood flow after hemodynamic correction of complex heart defects, calculating characteristics of coaptation of reconstructed aortic valve.

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Международная Междисциплинарная Конференция "Математика. Компьютер. Образование"

Международная Междисциплинарная Конференция МАТЕМАТИКА. КОМПЬЮТЕР. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ.