Все выпуски

Реализация запуска многовариантных расчетов на платформе Everest

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Список литературы:

  1. Autodock Vina http://vina.scripps.edu/.
  2. Bethwaite, B. , Abramson, D. , Bohnert, F. , Garic, S. , Enticott, C. , Peachey, T. . Mixing the Grid and Clouds: High-throughput Science using the Nimrod Tool Family / Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications. — Springer, 2010. — P. 219–237. — Antonopoulos and Gillam.
  3. R. Buyya, D. Abramson, J. Giddy. Nimrod/G: An Architecture of a Resource Management and Scheduling System in a Global Computational Grid. — Beijing, China, 2000. — P. 283–289. — HPC Asia 2000, May 14–17.
  4. Everest. http://everest.distcomp.org/.
  5. O. Sukhoroslov, A. Afanasiev. Everest: A Cloud Platform for Computational Web Services / 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2014). — P. 411–416.
  6. O.V. Sukhoroslov, A.O. Rubtsov, S.Yu. Volkov. Development of Distributed Computing Applications and Services with Everest Cloud Platform / In these Proceedings.

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