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Зависимость работы организации от ее организационной структуры в ходе неожиданных и тлеющих кризисов

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Список литературы:

  1. А. Беззубцев-Кондаков. Почему это случилось? Техногенные катастрофы в России. — Питер, 2010.
    • A. Bezzubcev-Kondakov. Why did it happen? Anthropogenic catastrophes in Russia. — Piter, 2010. — in Russian.
  2. Е. А. Бурлаков. Визуализация слабых предкризисных сигналов и их анализ // Вестн. Южно-Уральского ун-та. — Сер. Математическое моделирование и программирование. 2010. — № 4. — С. 15–25.
    • E. A. Burlakov. Weak Signal Visualization and analysis // South Ural State University Bulletin. Ser. Mathematical Modelling, Programming & Computer Software. 2010. — no. 4. — P. 15–25. — in Russian.
  3. Е. А. Бурлаков. Математическое моделирование деятельности малых и средних организаций на ранней стадии кризиса // Проблемы управления. 2013. — № 3. — С. 41–51.
    • E. A. Burlakov. Mathematical Modeling of Small and Middle Sized Organizations at the Early Crisis Stage // Control Science. 2013. — no. 3. — P. 41–51. — in Russian.
  4. С. Н. Бычков, А. А. Григорян, Е. В. Шикин, Г. Е. Шикина. О некоторых проблемах антикризисного управления // Вестн. Моск. ун-та. 2008. — Т. 21, № 2. — С. 56–76.
    • S. N. Bychkov, A. A. Grigorian, E. V. Shikin, Shikina G. E.. On several problems in crisis management // Moscow University Bulletin. 2008. — V. 21, no. 2. — P. 56–76. — in Russian.
  5. Э. Гроув. Выживают только параноики. — М: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2009.
    • A. Grove. Only the paranoid survive. — Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2009. — in Russian.
  6. Э. М. Коротков, И. Ю. Солдатов. Основы менеджмента. — Дашков и Ко, 2012. — 272 с.
    • E. M. Korotkov, I. U. Soldatov. Management Foundations. — Dashkov & Co, 2012. — 272 p. — in Russian.
  7. Н. Лисон. Как я обанкротил «Бэрингз». Признание трейдера-мошенника. — М: ООО «Кейс», 2011. — 480 с.
    • N. Leeson. How I Brought Down Barings Bank and Shock the Financial World. — Moscow: LCC “Case”, 2011. — 480 p. — in Russian.
  8. Репозиторий с кодом модели. — Обновлено 17.12.2015.https://github.com/egorburlakov/CrisisModeling.git.
    • Repository with the code of the model. — Obnovleno [updated] 17.12.2015.in Russian.
  9. Репозиторий с кодом анализа данных, полученных в ходе моделирования. — Обновлено 25.01.2016.https://github.com/egorburlakov/CrisisModelingPython.git.
    • Repository with the code for analysis of the data generated by the model. — Obnovleno [updated] 25.01.2016.
  10. Р. Фейнман. Какое тебе дело до того, что думают другие?. — Ижевск: РХД, 2001. — 208 с.
    • P. Feynman. Richard. What do you care what other people think?. — Izhevsk: RCD, 2001. — 208 p. — in Russian.
  11. L. Aberg. Viestinta— Tuloksen tekija [Communication — Producer of Results]. — Helsinki, Finland: Tietopaketti Oy, 1993. — third edition.
  12. I. Ansoff. Strategic response in turbulent environments. — European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, 1982. — Working Paper No. 82–35.
  13. L. Barton. Crisis in organizations: II. — Cincinnati, OH: South-Western, 2001.
  14. W. T. Coombs. Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing and responding. — Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007. — 2nd ed.
  15. W. R. Crandall, J. A. Parnell, J. E. Spillan. Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape. — Los Angeles: Sage Publications, Inc, 2009. — 280 p.
  16. R. G. Dawn, J. Priscilla. Crisis Management in a Complex World. — Oxford University Press, 2008. — P. 224.
  17. A. De Grazia. A cloud over Bhopal. Cause, consequences and constructive solutions. — Princeton: Metron Publications, 1985.
  18. S. Fink. Crisis management: Planning for the inevitable. — New York: AMACOM, 1986. — MathSciNet: MR0923128.
  19. J. R. Harrison, Z. Lin, G. R. Carroll, K. M. Carley. Simulation Modeling in Organizational and Management Research // Academy of Management Review. 2007. — V. 32. — P. 1229–1245. — DOI: 10.5465/AMR.2007.26586485.
  20. A. Henry. Understanding Strategic Management. — OUP Oxford, 2011. — 2 edition.
  21. C. F. Herman. Some Consequences of Crisis which limit the viability of Organizations // Administrative Science Quarterly. 1963. — V. 8. — P. 343–358.
  22. Annual ICM Crisis Report. — Louisville, Kenntucky: Institute for Crisis Management, 2012. — V. 21, no. 1.
  23. C. Joslyn, L. M. Rocha. Towards Semiotic Agent-Based Models of Socio-Technical Organisations / Al, Simulation and Planning (AIS 2000) Conference. 2000. — Tucson, Aizona, USA.
  24. T. R. La Porte, P. M. Consolini. Working in Pratice but not in Theory. Theoretical Challengers of “High-Reliability Organizations” // Journal of Public Administrative Research and Theory. 1991. — no. 1 (1). — P. 19–47.
  25. K. D. Mackenzie. Organizational Structures. — Arlington Heights, Illinois: AHM Publishing Corporation, 1978.
  26. H. Mintzberg. The Structuring of Organizations. — Prentice Hall, 1979. — 512 p. — 1st edition.
  27. I. I. Mitroff, C. M. Pearson. Crisis management: Diagnostic guide for improving your organizations crisis-preparedness. — San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993.
  28. I. I. Mitroff. Crisis Leadership: Planning for the Unthinkable. — New York: John Wiley, 2002. — 144 p.
  29. I. I. Mitroff, G. Anagnos. Managing crises before they happen. — New York: AMACOM, 2001.
  30. P. Murphy. Symmetry, contingency, complexity: Accommodating uncertainty in public relations theory // Public Relations Review. 2000. — V. 26(4). — P. 447–62. — DOI: 10.1016/S0363-8111(00)00058-8.
  31. I. Nikander. Eary Warnings — a phenomenon in Project Management. — Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2002. — Doctorial Dissertation.
  32. B. Richardson. Socio-technical disasters: Profile and prevalence // Disaster Prevention & Management. 1994. — V. 3(4). — P. 41–69. — DOI: 10.1108/09653569410076766.
  33. K. Roberts. Some Characteristics of one Type of High Reliability Organizations // Organization Science. 1990. — V. 1(2). — P. 160–176. — DOI: 10.1287/orsc.1.2.160.
  34. J. A. Sokolowski, C.M. Banks. Modeling and Simulation Fundamentals. Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Domains. — A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication, 2010. — 456 p. — zbMATH: Zbl 1191.00023.
  35. B. M. Staw, L. E. Sanderlands, J. E. Dutton. Threat-Rigidity Effects in Organizational Behavior: a Multilevel Analysis // Administrative Science Quarterly. 1981. — V. 26. — P. 501–524. — DOI: 10.2307/2392337.
  36. J. D. Thompson. Organizations in Action. — McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967.
  37. J. van Uden, K. A. Richardson, P. Cilliers. Postmodernism revisited? Complexity science and the study of organisations // Tamara: Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization Science. 2001. — V. 1(3). — P. 53–67.
  38. L. Zhiang. Organizational Performance under Critical Situations — Exploring the Role of Computer Modeling in Crisis Case Analyses // Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory. 2000. — V. 6(3). — P. 277–310. — DOI: 10.1023/A:1009681619457.

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