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Двуслойные интервальные взвешенные графы в оценке рыночных рисков

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Список литературы:

  1. Дж. Бокс, Г. М. Дженкинс. Анализ временных рядов, прогноз и управление. — М: Мир, 1974. — 406 с.
  2. Т. Саати. Принятие решений. Метод анализа иерархий. — М: Радио и связь, 1993.
  3. У. Татт. Теория графов. — М: Мир, 1988. — 424 с.
  4. H. K. Alfares, M. Nazeeruddin. Electric load forecasting: literature survey and classification of methods // International Journal of Systems Science. — 2002. — V. 33. — P. 23–24. — DOI: 10.1080/00207720110067421.
  5. P. J. Brockwell, R. A. Davis. Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting. — Springer-Verlag, 2002. — 328 p. — 2nd edn. — MathSciNet: MR1894099.
  6. S. M. Chen. Forecasting enrollments based on fuzzy time series // Fuzzy Sets and Systems. — 1996. — V. 81. — P. 311–319. — DOI: 10.1016/0165-0114(95)00220-0.
  7. S. M. Chen, C. C. Hsu. A New Method to Forecast Enrollments using Fuzzy Time Series // Int. Journal Applied Science and Engineering. — 2004. — V. 2. — P. 234–244. — MathSciNet: MR2477546.
  8. K. Huarng. Effective Lengths of Intervals to Improve Forecasting in Fuzzy Time Series // Fuzzy Sets and Syst. — 2004. — V. 123. — P. 387–394. — DOI: 10.1016/S0165-0114(00)00057-9. — MathSciNet: MR1864184.
  9. T. A. Jilani, S. M. A. Burney, C. Ardil. Fuzzy Metric Approach for Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting based on Frequency Density Based Partitioning. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. — 2007. — V. 23. — P. 333–338.
  10. Y. M. Jingfei. Power System Short-term Load Forecasting. — Germany, Darmstadt: Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Technischen Universitat, 2006. — 139 p. — Thesis for Ph. Degree.
  11. D. H. Marengia. Forecasting Spot Electricity Market Prices Using Time Series Models. — Gothenburg: Chalmers University of Technology, 2008. — 89 p. — Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science in Electric Power Engineering.
  12. Q. Song, B. S. Chissom. Fuzzy time series and its models // Fuzzy Sets and Systems. — 1993. — V. 54. — P. 269–277. — DOI: 10.1016/0165-0114(93)90372-O. — MathSciNet: MR1215569.

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